*Forum Post Moved From old NUG Forum*
Hello everyone!
To those who don’t yet know me I’ve been around for a while now on the Altis Life scene over a few servers. Some time ago Prez and myself often thought of starting a community where gamers of all stripes could easily connect to a group of like minded people. This is indeed the second launch of Nomad United gaming after a half-assed attempt on part part ealier this year.
I look forward to see this community grow with Prez and Soul at the reigns, I couldn’t think of two more suited people to take Nomad United Gaming above and beyond anything our members have previously been a part of. I look forward to meeting the unfamiliar faces here and am excited to be able to hang out with some old friends.
So give us a shout if you need help or just want a chat!
This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Tezza.