Welcome to The NUG Hub
Below you will find everything you need to know about joining The NUG Hub, about clans/guilds/teams that are already hubbed with the NUG Community, you can read hub reviews and see who has received hub awards.
NUG Hub Info & Application
You will find out all the information you need to know about how your clan/guild/team can join The NUG Hub Community and also information for those who are looking to merge their clan/guild/team into the NUG Community. Make sure you read the information and fill out the application that you can find by clicking – HERE
The NUG Hub
Clans/Guilds/Teams that are hubbed with NUG get their own area that is dedicated to them, it consists of information, a forum section, hub awards, riviews and anything else to do with the clan/guild/team. You can view the clans/guilds/teams that are hubbed with the NUG Community by clicking – HERE
Hub Reviews
We do reviews and interviews for all clans/guilds/teams that are hubbed with the NUG Community. We showcase these reviews as a bit of advertisement for the clan/guild/team and we also will often feature these as part of our weekly NUG TV episodes. To check out these reviews and interviews click – HERE
Hub Awards
Each week we will select one of the clan/guild/team that is hubbed with the NUG Community and award them ‘The hub of the week’, and then at the end of the month we will pick ‘The hub of the month’. You can find out which clan/guild/team have been picked this week/month and why, by clicking – HERE