October 3, 2015 at 11:14 am #1234
Participant*Forum Post Moved From old NUG Forum*
Hey Hey Peoples
So I am making this post due to the fact that apparently it needs to be done! I shouldn’t need to have to make a post like this as it should come down to common knowledge and basic respect! It is not ok to impersonate anyone EVER! It is not a joke it is against the law! Changing your name to be funny and have a dig at someone or to try and get someone in trouble is just straight out childish and will not be tolerated at all!
People who wait till I have gone to bed to do this are even more childish! I sleep on teamspeak which means I have access to all the logs!
You will find the logs I am referring to right here, the people involved will no longer be apart of our community as this is not the behaviour we want here!
<22:236> “dARClown” is now known as “dARPiero”
<22:25:19> “dARPiero” is now known as “Tamashi”
<22:25:39> “Tamashi” switched from channel “Room 3” to “Room 1”
<22:25:39> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Tamashi” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<22:266> “Voogles” is now known as “DarClowns dad”
<22:26:11> “DarClowns dad” switched from channel “Room 3” to “Room 1”
<22:26:11> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “DarClowns dad” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<22:26:17> “Jezza” switched from channel “Room 3” to “Room 1”
<22:26:17> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Jezza” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<22:26:26> “DarClowns dad” switched from channel “Room 1” to “Room 2”
<22:26:26> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “DarClowns dad” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<22:26:32> “DarClowns dad” is now known as “Voogles”
<22:26:49> “Jezza” switched from channel “Room 1” to “Room 2”
<22:26:49> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Jezza” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<22:27:50> “Tamashi” is now known as “Tamashī ga shoyū-shadearimasu”
<22:27:59> “Tamashī ga shoyū-shadearimasu” switched from channel “Room 1” to “Room 2”
<22:27:59> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Tamashī ga shoyū-shadearimasu” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<22:28:43> “Tamashī ga shoyū-shadearimasu” is now known as “魂はこのteamspeekの所有者であります”
<22:29:29> “魂はこのteamspeekの所有者であります” is now known as “脂肪1女を吸います”
<22:30:16> “Voogles” is now known as “Darclown”
<22:30:40> “Darclown” is now known as “Voogles”
<22:30:47> “脂肪1女を吸います” is now known as “脂肪1女を吸います”
<22:34:10> “TreBurger” disconnected (leaving)
<22:36:22> “[nug – soul] NUG – Soul” disconnected (Your Soul Has Now Left And Has Taking All Of The Awesomness)
<22:381> “NUG – Soul – P” connected to channel “Soul’s PREZidential Office!!!”
<22:38:52> “脂肪1女を吸います” switched from channel “Room 2” to “Room 1”
<22:38:52> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “脂肪1女を吸います” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<22:39:39> “脂肪1女を吸います” switched from channel “Room 1” to “Room 2”
<22:39:39> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “脂肪1女を吸います” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<22:50:10> “[tezza] Tezza” disconnected (BYE I’M OUT THE TEZZY BEAR HAS LEFT THE BUILDING.)
<22:50:37> You switched from channel “Room 1” to “Room 2”
<10:15:53> “[vag(i)tron5000] NUG – Vag(I)Tron5000”: <22:50:37> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “NUG – Vag(I)Tron5000” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<22:53:39> “脂肪1女を吸います” switched from channel “Room 2” to “Room 1”
<22:53:39> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “脂肪1女を吸います” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<22:53:48> “脂肪1女を吸います” switched from channel “Room 1” to “Room 2”
<22:53:48> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “脂肪1女を吸います” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<22:55:16> “[tezza] Tezza” connected to channel “[cspacer] ◌◌ Lobby ◌◌”
<22:55:25> “[tezza] Tezza” switched from channel “[cspacer] ◌◌ Lobby ◌◌” to “Room 1”
<22:55:25> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “[tezza] Tezza” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<22:57:38> “NUG – Soul – P” switched from channel “Soul’s PREZidential Office!!!” to “Room 2”
<01:24:13> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Get told?????Mad?^^Kid??” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:24:21> “Get told?????Mad?^^Kid??” switched from channel “[cspacer99] ?? Social Lounge ??” to “Room 2”
<01:24:21> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Get told?????Mad?^^Kid??” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:25:05> “Dar’s Dad” switched from channel “Room 2” to “Room 1”
<01:25:05> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Dar’s Dad” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:25:09> “Dar’s Dad” switched from channel “Room 1” to “Room 2”
<01:25:09> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Dar’s Dad” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:25:23> “Dar’s Dad” is now known as “Jezz”
<01:27:02> “Jezz” switched from channel “Room 2” to “Room 1”
<01:27:02> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Jezz” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:27:05> “Jezz” switched from channel “Room 1” to “Room 2”
<01:27:05> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Jezz” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:27:18> “Jezz” is now known as “daRClown”
<01:27:26> “dARClown” is now known as “Zombietaco”
<01:27:55> “Zombietaco” is now known as “StonedFairy”
<01:28:02> “daRClown” is now known as “Can I put a hotdog in ur taco”
<01:28:23> “Can I put a hotdog in ur taco” is now known as “Stoned fish taco”
<01:28:24> “StonedFairy” is now known as “Busa”
<01:28:34> “Get told?????Mad?^^Kid??” is now known as “Dm4”
<01:28:44> “Stoned fish taco” is now known as “Vagi”
<01:29:05> “Vagi” is now known as “Vagi the Daggy”
<01:29:18> “Dm4” is now known as “(Pipsi crew) Dm4”
<01:29:29> “(Pipsi crew) Dm4” is now known as “(Pipsi crew)Dm4 wanna fight”
<01:29:39> “Vagi the Daggy” is now known as “(Coke crew)Dm4”
<01:30:16> “(Coke crew)Dm4” switched from channel “Room 2” to “Room 1”
<01:30:16> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “(Coke crew)Dm4” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:30:20> “(Coke crew)Dm4” switched from channel “Room 1” to “Room 2”
<01:30:20> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “(Coke crew)Dm4” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:30:25> “(Coke crew)Dm4” is now known as “Vagitron”
<01:30:31> “Vagitron” is now known as “Vagitron5001”
<01:31:09> “Vagitron5001” is now known as “Vagitron4999”
<01:31:10> “Busa” is now known as “Soul_Mystic”
<01:31:50> “Vagitron4999” is now known as “it said error”
<01:32:12> “(Pipsi crew)Dm4 wanna fight” is now known as “??1????”
<01:32:15> “it said error” is now known as “Soul_ Mystic”
<01:32:29> “Soul_Mystic” is now known as “StonedFairy”
<01:32:40> “Soul_ Mystic” switched from channel “Room 2” to “Room 1”
<01:32:40> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Soul_ Mystic” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:32:43> “Soul_ Mystic” switched from channel “Room 1” to “Room 2”
<01:32:43> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Soul_ Mystic” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:32:50> “Soul_ Mystic” is now known as “Stoned bread”
<01:32:51> “NUG-JPominium” dropped (connection lost)
<01:33:16> “??1????” is now known as “GET TOLD
<01:34:28> “Stoned bread” is now known as “fagnatic #maccas sponser”
<01:35:17> “NUG-JPominium” connected to channel “[cspacer] ?? Lobby ??”
<01:35:26> “NUG-JPominium” switched from channel “[cspacer] ?? Lobby ??” to “Room 1”
<01:35:26> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “NUG-JPominium” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:35:36> “fagnatic #maccas sponser” is now known as “Dar said vagi is a feggit”
<01:36:57> “StonedFairy” is now known as “Jezza”
<01:36:59> “Dar said vagi is a feggit” is now known as “Tapatron 1”
<01:37:13> “Jezza” is now known as “Tapatron2”
<01:37:40> “Tapatron2” is now known as “Tornadotron1”
<01:38:16> “Tornadotron1” switched from channel “Room 2” to “Room 1”
<01:38:16> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Tornadotron1” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:38:17> “Tapatron 1” switched from channel “Room 2” to “Room 1”
<01:38:17> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Tapatron 1” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:38:45> “Tapatron 1” switched from channel “Room 1” to “Room 2”
<01:38:45> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Tapatron 1” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:38:47> “Tornadotron1” switched from channel “Room 1” to “Room 2”
<01:38:47> Channel group “Guest” was assigned to “Tornadotron1” by “Nomad United Gaming”.
<01:39:17> “Tapatron 1” is now known as “Mute moar muddafuckers”
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