The Operation

    • February 27, 2016 at 12:39 pm #4483

      The Operation is a small, single purposed group circled around experimenting on survivors (dead or alive). They exist in the shadows and rarely are seen, however when they are seen its usually the last thing that person sees. The Operation follows a single Operator (Vlad: based on backstory) whom decides who will be taken and what will they be used for, The Operation is known for laying non-fatal traps in order to snare and weaken their intended victims in order for easier capture. While they can be fairly docile when encountered, any interest they take in you can be deadly.


      No RDM (we need subjects and its just blatantly against the rules)

      Approach your targets with open arms, only become hostile when a moment arises

      No land mines (comes under rule 1)

      Bear traps while allowed, shouldn’t be used as a combo for a multi bear trap death

      Try not to kill the subject during or after an experiment, it’d be nice to collect post-data

      Corruption is not acceptable in any way (telling others of our intentions)

      Rank System

      Collecting specimens will cause you to rise up the ladder quicker than others, but being more effective at keeping your subject alive during testing will show your true skill in the field. Here are the ranks:

      Operator: Runs the entire Organization

      Apothecary of Sin: Overseers the experiments and relays orders from the Operator

      Disciple of Pain: Orchestrates the experiments and disposes of “waste”

      Collector: Lures victims and brings them to the zone (When there are none, the Operator will run this role with a single Apothecary)

      Our Great Purpose

      This “virus” as those filthy beings call it is actually the pinnacle of human development, they feel no greed or resent for one another. They simply exist together in a perfect peace brought on by the old gods of retribution! Humanity was always the curse that shrouded this world and now we can change that! They tried stopping me with chains and torment, but it only strengthened my resolve! Come my brothers! Glory to those who would remove this curse from the world and work with me for an everlasting time of harmony!

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