Introduce yourself :3

    • October 3, 2015 at 10:52 am #1221

      *Forum Post Moved From old NUG Forum*

      Hey My names King, I used to go by the username “Izski” But i was making youtube videos for a while and someone called me a “King” at DayZ. Now i just go by that name :sick:

      I play a lot of games but mainly CSGO, League of legends and DayZ.

      I like to see myself as an easy going person, always ready for a laugh. Gaming with humour is the best way to play I reckon. With a bit of seriousness on the side :sick:

      ANYWAY! If you want a game I’m always happy to play, just shoot us a message :sick:

      If you’re interested in looking at my youtube; here it is:

      Thnaks for reading ;P


      • This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Tezza.

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