Greating from Cherno

    • October 3, 2015 at 6:27 pm #1667

      *Forum Post Moved From old NUG Forum*

      Hello to all, my name is Barry a.k.a I-AM-NOOB or NOOB for short.

      I have been playing Dayz SA for a little while now but sadly haven’t had much Role Playing encounters as it has been pretty much KOS and since I don’t normally pull the trigger first I’m the one who gets KOS.

      Hopefully this place might be the turning point for that.

      I’ll put it out there now, I am not a Bandit nor am I a Hero. I play as I would be in real life. I think of myself as a nice guy so if you need something i got 9 times out of 10 I throw it your way.

      That’s my gaming style, now a bit about myself.
      Jack of all trades, Master of none.
      Self proclaimed love Guru (JK).
      I love me jokes, puns and playful banter.
      Been playing with computers for the last 10 or so year, everything thing from building computers to helping out with server IT at friends businesses.
      Cars are another passion of mine. always seem to be washings grease and oil off of my hands.

      Well that’s enough for now and i hope to meet you out there.

      Posted By I-AM-NOOB

    • October 3, 2015 at 6:27 pm #1668
      Hey Hey and Welcome :sick:

      If you are interested in role play you should fill out an application for our whitelisted RPG DayZ server :sick: you will find the application in the menu bar above the chat box, also you should jump on to TS and say hi….. we don’t bite….. much :sick:

      TS =



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