Ark Updates and News 222.9 – 223

    • November 13, 2015 at 9:28 am #3101

      Current Version: v223.0
      – New Creatures: Kairuku & Angler Fish!
      – New Structures, Catapult, Minigun Turret
      – Creature “Fur” pass
      – Tiered Server Admin, Wildcard Admin, & Tribe Admin Nametag Icons
      – PvE “Tribe Warfare” option (capability for Tribes to officially declare war on each other for mutually-agreed-upon period of time). This is enabled by default. To disable it, add:

      (or LinuxServer)

      If you want Tribes to be able to cancel an agreed-upon war before it has actually started (default not allowed), then you can also add into that INI:

      * Fixed issue with player harvesting at low-ish server FPS (please update unofficial servers accordingly)
      * Fixed issue with foliage potentially respawning over structures/dinos and destroying them (it appears)

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