Ark Updates and News 222.3 – 222.5

    • November 9, 2015 at 7:02 am #3097

      Current Version: v222.5
      – Giganotosaurus Tamed Damage & HP reduced by 40% (in v223.0 we will rebalance this further to scale more by level)
      – Giganotosaurus can no longer stand on rafts or flyer platforms
      – Giganotosaurus Rage reduction-over-time reduced by 40% (in effect making it easier to Rage)
      – Giganotosaurus Tamed (non-Baby) Food Consumption rate increased by 6x
      – Made Baby Giganotosaurus’ cuter
      – In PvP, “Enemy Structure Demolish/Claim Time” is no longer displayed on the HUD until you are able to actually claim (as it allowed identification of enemy Tribe offline-time)
      – Halloween Structures (Placeable Jack-o-Lanterns, Scarecrows, etc) removed from Inventories unless ?AllowDeprecatedStructures=true commandline is used)
      – On Primitive Servers, Giganotosaurus Damage reduced by 60% more and HP reduced by 30% more
      * Fixed a potential server startup crash case and a potential issue involving Dinosaur data networking
      Unversioned Hotfix Removed “Shockprod” item from media, isn’t ready yet 😉
      Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed erroneous Inventory keypress closures. Fixed crash some people were getting with an old TheIsland_Seasonal sublevel hanging around.
      * Approx 15-20% gpu perf gain in heavily foliaged areas in most cases. (Latest NVIDIA driver is recommended!)
      * TPV Shield size no longer scales with hand size
      * Fixed a potential case where you couldn’t “Hide Sail” on Rafts
      * Servers that update to this will no longer have Halloween Structures, as intended. Servers that want to keep the Halloween Structures around for a while are welcome to do with by using the ?AllowDeprecatedStructures=true commandline (note you need to use this before relaunching your server with this update otherwise the structures will be destroyed).
      * Fixed issue with disappearing projectiles on very, very large maps (I’m lookin’ at you “ARK Pirate World” Total Conversion!)
      * Improved Giganotosaurus swim speed (doubled) and made it properly swim up to waterline to avoid drowning
      * Added Server Config value for BabyFoodConsumptionRate:
      (or LinuxServer)
      You can set it lower along with a low ‘BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier’ if you want your sever’s dino babies to be more like…. real babies? 😉

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