Ark Updates and News 220.4 – 221.0

    • October 29, 2015 at 9:19 am #2959

      Current Version: v221.0
      * ARK: Fear Evolved (event)
      ** Re-Themed ARK, with shorter days / longer nights, colder temperature, scary creatures above-ground
      ** DodoRex & ZombieDodo Army, DodoRex Mask Skin & Achievement
      ** Placeable “Carveable” Jackolanterns, Gravestones, & Scarecrows
      ** Bone Dino Costumes
      ** Tameable Bat & Spider, Ride-able Spider
      ** Witch Hat Skin for Survivors & Dinos
      ** Rare Jack-o-Lantern Items from Supply Drops that give Free ARK Game codes to share with your friends (Official Servers Only 🙂 )
      ** More 🙂

      * New Items: Apex-Kill Trophy Wall-Mounts, Artifact Pedestals
      * Instrument (War Drum) playing is now locally-timed, so there isn’t a latency when you’re hitting the beats online
      * Double-Tap ‘Use’ key to throw shoulder-mounted Dino
      * Fixed issue where Dinos could spawn or get stuck outside the map boundaries
      * You can no “Replace” structures even when at the Max Structure Limit for an area
      * Added “Take All From Folder” button to remote inventories. Soon will add whole-Folder Drag & Drop.
      * Mammal Gestation Progress now saves for real!
      * Garbage Collection Performance & Texture Streaming Optimizations

      * Improved performance painting the WarMap
      * Max Height Players can now use War Drums, and increased War Drum volume
      * Mammal Gestation Progress now saves
      * Fixed newborn Direwolf HP and Food
      * Fixed Megaloceros & Mammoth gestation times
      * C4 can now be placed on areas that already have max structures (server-side update)
      * Fixed some map areas that were deleting water dinos
      * Flying dinos can no longer get stuck outside world bounds
      * Shoulder-mounted Dinos are not allowed to Mate anymore
      * Reduced Baby Food Consumption rate by ~50% — thanks for bearing with us to refine it 🙂
      * Fixed Scorpion dismounting position to avoid getting stuck on the Scorpion
      * Fixed issue with being teleported to center-of-the-map sometimes when ‘unsitting’
      * Railings can now snap onto each other to make taller railings or cages, and you can now shoot thru their holes
      * Test for fixing PvE Dino Spawns
      * Fix for colorizing structures such as Storage Boxes
      * Fixed a case where standing on opening ceiling doors could cause your movement to become… whacky…
      * You can now press “T” when hovering over any item in the Inventory Menu to transfer that item to/from remote inventory. Also you can then hold Shift to transfer half a sack, or Ctrl to transfer a single item in a stack.

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