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  • In reply to: Game Review – Rust

    April 1, 2016 at 7:12 pm #4908


    What do you think about the gameplay/performance of this game?
    Rust has severe performance problems, v-sync issues, non-consistent frame rates and at rare occasions, micro-stutter.
    The performance of rust in legacy scaled greatly as my old Pentium laptop could get 20fps on low settings, so it’s a shame to see that the latest (and greatest) version of rust is getting an average of 40fps on the “Fast” graphical settings. It runs fine on “Fastest” but it looks so bad I can’t bare looking at it for any longer than 10 minutes before my eyes start to bleed. “Fast” actually look okay, but its not going to win the next award at PAX, if you do have a super computer, running rust at the max settings looks amazing and is by far one of the best looking open world survival PC games, the grass is crisp, I can see each part of bark in the tree’s, the sheet metal is amazingly shiny! I like shiny things! (GTX 960, 16GB RAM, i7-4770 @3.4GHZ)

    0/1 NUG rating


    What do you think about the games content/specs?

    As an early access game (an a open world survival online only game) the game doesn’t have a large amount of content, I wouldn’t say its lacking but this isn’t the next black desert. You can build a base with THE BEST building mechanics I’ve ever seen in an online PVP survival game, walls snap just as fast as a whip crack, placing a foundation is so easy I’m sure my brother could do it (and that’s being nice) and it makes me want to spend hours planning out my next base and how I’m going to defend it with high external walls, plan out a honey comb system, how many air locks am I going to have?! One week it’s a castle, the next it’s a bee hive! You can do a lot with the building in rust, its just a shame that once you have a building in place, there’s not much to do in it other than sort out your loot room and put your bed down. No electricity, no defence systems (besides a single turret), etc. It would be cool to have things like cameras (WHICH ARE ACTUALLY IN THE GAME, just non functional and no one knows what they do yet) on the roof and see where you’re being raided from with a laptop (which is also in the game but again no one knows what they do yet), etc. But rust does update every Friday, so updates are very frequent.

    0.5/1 NUG rating


    Does this game have its own originality/difference compared to others of its genre?

    Rust is your online PVP base building game with the dial up on 11, not only can you run around naked with a BDSM mask and hit people with a sword, or you can go around with a rocket launcher in camo gear to kill anyone and everyone. Rust is brutal compared to the more forgiving PVP games like Hurtworld where you keep your tools when you die, in rust, when you die, you lose EVERYTHING.

    0.5/1 NUG rating

    Is there any improvements you would like to see made with the game, or that you think could improve the game?
    Rust needs some serious optimisation, changes wise, I’d like to see more things to do after my base is alive and running like the defence and electric system I talked about before.
    Is there any flaws with the game that you feel need to be fixed or changed? and how?
    Again, optimisation. Upgrading from Unity 5.4 to 5.6 can increase performance AND making the engine take advantage of DX 11 & 12 would make performance increase by a large amount.

    0.5/1 NUG rating

    What you think about the value of this game?
    I believe that Rust is worth its money. PVP w/ base raiding has kept me addicted to Rust, I’ve managed to put 150+ hours into rust in just 3 weeks, I currently have 200+ total and I plan to add a lot more to rust.

    1/1 NUG rating

    What is your overall opinion about this game?
    Before you buy, you will learn to raid and be raided by the players in rust, you will gain new friends and new enemy’s. You get gear and you will lose gear. You will kill and you will die. Raiding the base in rust is stupidly fun while being raided can be heartbreaking
    Playing solo in rust is very hard and needs a different play style to playing with just one other person, so keep that in mind, having a second person makes rust a lot easier.
    Rust will make you rage, but please don’t take it as a bad first experience.

    4/5 NUG rating

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Whippy.

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