NUGaming TS3 Official Skins & Icons Pack
Hey Hey People’s!
Below you will find the download button for our official NUGaming Teamspeak 3 Skins and Icons Pack. The pack includes 10 different skins with 10 matching icon packs, but thats not the best part! All of the skins and icons sets are interchangeable! That’s a total of 100 different combinations for you to choose between, in just one little pack! (You can check out a screenshot for each of these combinations below)Keep reading, or watch the video to the right (or you can do both) for instructions on how to install the pack.
Step 1 – Click the big blue Download button
Step 2 – In the top right corner of the dropbox page you will find another download button, click it.
Step 3 – A pop up will appear in the center of your screen with the option to open the zip file or save it.
Step 4 – If you chose to save the zip file, you will find it in your downloads folder. If you chose to open, go to the next step.
Step 5 – Open/unzip the downloaded file to your desktop.
(There should be 2 folders one called ‘gfx’ and one called ‘styles’. there is also a ‘package.ini file)
Step 6 – Go to your C Drive, followed by your ‘Programs File’ folder and go into your ‘Teamspeak 3 Client’ folder.
(If its not there you might find it in your ‘Programs File (x86)’ folder, or you may have to search for it)
Step 7 – Inside the ‘Teamspeak 3 Client’ folder you will find a whole heap of folders, open the one called ‘gfx’
Step 8 – Go back to your desktop where you saved the opened file to, and open the ‘gfx’ folder. Hold ctrl A or high light the folders in the downloaded ‘gfx’ folder and move them into the teamspeak ‘gfx’ folder.
Step 9 – Go back into the Teamspeak 3 Client folder and this time open up the ‘styles’ folder, and go back to your desktop and open the downloaded ‘style’ folder. Do the same again, ctrl A or highlight all the folders and files as they are and move them over into the teamspeak ‘styles’ folder.
Step 10 – Start/restart your teamspeak client
Step 11 – Once your teamspeak has opened, click on the settings option at the top and select options, when the pop up options window appears, select the design tab.
Step 12 – In the ‘Themes’ dropdown menu, you should now be able to see all 10 of the NUGaming skins, select the one you would like to use.
Step 13 – In the ‘Icons dropdown menu, you should also find all 10 NUGaming icon sets, select the one you want to use. (remember they are interchangable)
Step 14 – Click Apply, you will then be prompted to restart your teamspeak, select yes, and wait while your teams speak restarts
And your done! You can now enjoy your sexy new skins and icons, you can now change them anytime you like by repeating step 11 thru to step 14.
Screenshots For All 100 Official NUGaming Skin & Icon Combinations Below!
(Click on the small images to view the fullsize image)
NUGaming – Classic
[envira-gallery id=”5334″]NUGaming – Awesomeness
[envira-gallery id=”5301″]NUGaming – Bling
[envira-gallery id=”5312″]NUGaming – Chromatic
[envira-gallery id=”5323″]NUGaming – Envy
[envira-gallery id=”5345″]NUGaming – Revenge
[envira-gallery id=”5359″]NUGaming – Rusted
[envira-gallery id=”5370″]NUGaming – Seacrest
[envira-gallery id=”5381″]NUGaming – Soul Prettyfuls
[envira-gallery id=”5392″]NUGaming – Zesty
[envira-gallery id=”5403″]