The CS:GOld Nugget Cup Semi-Final – 14 March 2015

    • October 3, 2015 at 12:19 pm #1308

      *Forum Post Moved From old NUG Forum*

      Hey hey peoples :sick:

      First of all I would like to say a big thank you to everyone that joined in last night! All in all last night was a big success, we had a few hiccups but it all worked out. Second of all I would like to post up the match up for next weeks Semi-Final, for those of you who who lost last night you have a second chance at winning! The Prize is 10 keys+ cases (this works out to be 2x keys + cases per winning team player each). The event will be held next Saturday the 14 of march and starting at 5pm.

      The line up is as follows:

      Round 1

      DoW vs DnM
      Luantic vs AoW2

      Round 2

      SOmething vs winner of the DoW vs DnM
      Pipsi vs winner of the Luantic vs AoW2

      Round 3

      Winner vs Winner of the last two matches

      If you are unable to make it please let us know.

      Thank you
      NUG Staff :sick:

      (Please note that no new entries will be taken at this point)

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