Super Happy Funtime Logo Event!

    • October 3, 2015 at 11:56 am #1276

      *Forum Post Moved From old NUG Forum*

      Hello my fellow NUGets, I am pleased to announce that after some discussion a completion shall be held in order to set a design style for our merchandising (Shirts, mouse pads etc) !!!!

      Entry Requirements

      The actual logo itself can be anything you can bring your mind to create as long as it has our name NUG or Nomad United Gaming if you don’t want to abbreviate. It must also have our lovely sponsor plastered upon it letting people know just how appreciative we are of their sponsorship (Sponsored by Vilayer needs to be on the logo) it doesn’t matter what size the logo or what it actually looks like (Obviously nothing offensive or rude as it is very naughty).

      This competition shall be running from June 1st to June 30th and all entries submitted outside of this time will be sent to the naughty corner.


      Those who come up with top three most sweg yolo logos (god I hate myself for writing that) will be rewarded within the following categories.

      1st Place
      You shall receive one copy of GRAV and one copy of Tropico 4 Collectors Edition

      2nd Place
      You shall receive one copy of Grav and one copy of 7 days to die

      3rd Place
      You shall receive one copy of Super Meat Boy and one copy of Garry’s Mod

      Please do not stress about not winning or that you will not be able to do a good job, you should enjoy yourself whilst doing this and every logo has a chance of winning. I wish you all good luck and am looking forward to the end result!

      Do not bother staff about your app or it will be disregarded

    • October 3, 2015 at 11:58 am #1280

      Due to popular demand we have extended the comp by one more month, the event shall end on the 30th of July. Get your draw on and show us what you can do! (Warning: May contain logos).

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POWERED BY THE Awesomeness Of Soulleesi