Quick update for our Rust server!

    • February 6, 2016 at 10:47 am #3830
      Vag(I)Tron 5000

      Hey guys!

      So ive finally gotten around to fixing the issues you have been having on the Rust server with your buildings and what not decaying really fast.

      Ive fixed this by making it so that items decay at a rate of 0.0000003 per 24 hours. this way it would take a very very long time to decay even one point.

      That should hopefully fix the issues you have all been having, along with that I changed to seed for the server to a much nicer seed as-well as expanded to world limits so you should have a slightly larger world to build/raid in.

      If you have any further requests for things I should change on the rust server please let me know and i will see what I can do!
      Thanks guys and have a good one. 🙂

      - Vag(I)Tron 5000

      Head of staff Nomad United Gaming

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