NUG In-Game Match Comps!

    • October 3, 2015 at 11:53 am #1271

      *Forum Post Moved From old NUG Forum*

      Hey Hey Peoples :sick:

      So as you can see bellow we have added a In-Game Match page to the website :sick: The way this will work is you need to register your team by posting a comment bellow on this thread with the game you which to hold a match in eg CS:GO….. You then create your team, this includes your Team name and your team members. Then you pick the time and date you wish for your match to take place. You can request a challenge for specific team if you have one you would like to go up against, but if not just answer the template question with “any team”. If the team you challenge does not accept your challenge, that is ok! We will not have anyone/team feeling obliged to participate if they do not wish to! You may just have to pick another team or leave the challenge open for any team to accept. Once you have an opponent and the time and date of the match is settled, we will add it this match page :sick: This page will let you know what matches are coming up, what ones have already taken place and will show the scores for these matches. Now for the scores to be displayed you will have to let us know the outcome of the match so we can add the info in for you!

      Please remember that this is to be a bit of fun and not meant to create arguments or problems! You can choose to stream your matches as long as you are not going to be saying or doing anything that will reflect badly upon Nomad United Gaming! You will also need to let us know that you are streaming and let us know the details so we can all join in and watch the action! We able to implement these match records pretty much to any game, so if you think you can hold a match with-in the game and you have a team willing to challenge you, lets us know so we can add it to the score board :sick:

      Your Score system is 1 point for a win, so if your team verse the same team for 5 matches and your team wins 3 of them, your score card will be 3 – 2.

      Your team members will receive 5 NUG points each for each match win as long as both teams are registered on the website and are NUG members. Your team members will get 2 NUG points if you participate in the match and dont win. So if your team challengers another, and you play 5 matches and your team wins 3 out of the 5, your team members will get 19 points and your opposing team will get 16 points each. Make sure you register your teams and keep the info updated about the score card inorder for this to apply!

      To Register your team, please copy and paste this template below:


      Team Name:

      Team Members:



      Stream (Y/N – If yes include link):

      We would like to Challenge: (enter team name or “any team” if you don’t want to challenge any team particularly)

      You can only challenge registered teams and it is up to them if they accept! No bullying into accepting will be tolerated!
      If you would like to accept the challenge all you need to do is like the challenging teams post and post a reply bellow! We will then enter the info into the database.

      Challenge accepted template:


      Team Name:

      Team Members:

      Accepting what teams Challenge:

      Date/ Time: (if you would like to change the time/date please state so here!)

      Stream (Y/N – If yes include link):

      Thank you
      NUG Staff :sick:

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POWERED BY THE Awesomeness Of Soulleesi