Ark Updates and News 226.8 – 227

    • December 20, 2015 at 10:06 am #3319

      Current Version: v227.0
      – New Structure: Fireplace
      – New Structure: Primitive Cage
      – Industrial Forge can now quickly convert Wood into Charcoal
      – Industrial Cooker now uses irrigation for its water craftings, so you can attach it to an endless water supply
      – Catwalks can no longer attach to sloped roofs
      – Fixed floating/infinite item bags after structures were autodestroyed
      – Fixed Plant Species X / Turrets attacking creatures you’re taming, or through Behemoth Gates
      – Players who get stuck in foliage are no longer killed when the foliage is chopped down
      – Fixed case where players could get-to and traverse under the world
      – Fixed issue with Tribelogs getting reset
      – Added new Server Admin Commands:

      Will destroy all instances of those things on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at.

      * Fixed long-standing Tribe Merge / Player Removal issues (i.e. someone ends up in the wrong Tribe or can’t be removed from a Tribe). If it seems good, a big bounty is due to our most esteemed Survivor 🙂
      * Fix for issue where players randomly could not connect to servers they had previously been playing on (until such servers were rebooted).

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