Ark Updates and News 218.4 – 218.7

    • October 12, 2015 at 7:16 am #2402

      Current Version: v218.7
      * Shotgun base damage increased by approximately 30%
      * Player engrams no longer count towards “max” inventory items
      * Dinos can no longer damage structures thru “underneath” ceiling pieces
      * Getting stuck under terrain will once again properly teleport you back above the terrain
      * Shotgun networking further changed: clients will need to update to have working shotguns on Official Servers specifically 😉

      * Fixed the global limit on # of Platforms-with-Structures being incremented by Rafts, which are not supposed to use the global limit
      * Fixed a client-side PhysX crash

      * Fixed Turrets’ Quetz targeting when you have Quetz Structure-Armor around body. Head will be shot.
      * Dead insects now stop animating if you enter the area after they’re killed
      * Fixed a case where you could get stuck on the painting templates save/load screens
      * Fixed Server Direct Connection (from Steam/Browser such as ) logic to not fail, and also fixed a crash if direct-joining a server fails
      * Improved how shotguns are networked
      * Anti speedhack detection is now enabled by default — to disable it, use the server commandline “-noantispeedhack”
      * Server player-move-physics optimization is now enabled by default (improves perf) — to disable it, use the server commandline “-nocombineclientmoves”
      * Reduced Damage of Guns & Projectiles onto Arg/Ptero by 25% (3.x multiplier rather than 4.x multuplier)

      * Fixed client side issue where clients wouldn’t see other players “Wake up” from sleeping state

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