Ark Updates and News 217.2 – 218.1

    • October 7, 2015 at 6:57 am #2004

      Current Version: v218.1
      * Fixed a savegame loading crash
      * Quetzalcoatlus & Flying Platform Saddle. (Airship?!)
      * Option to Remove the default “sail” from the Raft 😉
      * Machined Sniper Rifle
      * Tranq Darts
      * You can now lock and/or pincode Elevators
      * Sarcos now swim in shallow swamp water, making them speedy deadly creatures in the swamp
      * Improved server perf by 15% using server-side movement optimization
      * When aggro’ed, flyers no longer wander to a random point before attacking
      * Swapped Fria Curry/Calien Soup Food-Water buff effects, as originally intended
      * Server Admins can now set in their Game.ini:
      * Reduced rubber-banding and camera-flickering when moving upon a platform saddle.
      * Raised Player and Dino Level Caps by +3 each
      * Holo Scope can now be equipped on the Fabricated Pistol
      * SotF Enhancements: Immediate Warpaints (freepainting doesn’t require any items), Six Player Tribes, Megapithecus, Broodmother!

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