Well That’s Embarrassing!
We all thought for sure that the third button would have worked!
Or that you would have given up by now…

Then theres the people who Skipped the Second Button Cause it Was Clearly Fake....
63% of People Thought they Were Smart
‘It was clear that the second button was fake, I mean lets face it, it was pretty obvious! I felt pretty foolish after getting tricked by the first button, so I decided to skip the second one. The third card…. it just…. it looked so real!’Mr. Not So Clever

Sadly Mr. Not So Clever isn’t the only one……..

people believe they are the problem
people are in denial
people are losing sleep because of this

But Its Okay! There is one last button at the bottom of the first page!
All you have to do is……


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All Rights Reserved. This site is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

We do not take submissions of ANY kind.

POWERED BY THE Awesomeness Of Soulleesi