Ark Updates and News 234.7 – 244.72

    • July 20, 2016 at 7:19 am #5637

      Current Version: v244.72
      * Client-side update: Fixed crashes associated with loading directly into a server from the Steam browser list, and a rare crash associated with streaming skeletal meshes.
      Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed local singleplayer/non-dedicated crash that would occur when travelling between areas.
      * Fixed crash in 244.6 (recommend that all unofficial servers upgrade ASAP!)
      * Defaulted to using “new save format”, which is approximately 4x faster and 50% smaller. If you want to use the old save format, launch with -oldsaveformat. (New saves are not backwards compatible!)
      * Reduced client game memory usage by about 600 MB system and 600 MB GPU RAM! (all meshes now stream LOD’s dynamically). This could potentially have a small runtime performance impact, so to use the old method (more RAM usage but no potential performance loss), launch with -nomemorybias
      * Diseases are now permanently cleared whenever you level-up; as you get “older”, it’s more time consuming to recover from a disease.
      * Titanosaurus torpor reduced by 50%, and Travel Distance for taking Torpor reduced by 50%. Effectively, Titanosaurus is now much easier to knock out. Titanosaurus Saddle Engram is now moved to Level 85 with 120 EP requirement.
      * Experimental fast save/load code implemented for servers. Approximately 4x faster and 75% smaller. We strongly recommend backing up your save games if you intend to try this out, as we’re still testing it. Use with launch commandline “-newsaveformat”
      – Fixed a case where armor could be circumvented using gun weapons. Requires Server Update.
      * Fixed an issue with Rockets. Required deleting all existing Rocket Ammo Items once. We are sorry, but it was necessary! Special thanks to Survivor “Rocketreporter” for the extremely helpful bounty report! Requires Server Update, we recommend upgrading as soon as possible!
      * Fixed issue with players teleporting above the landscape in Cave 1. Requires Server Update.
      * Windows & Linux Dedicated Servers now support automatic mod download/installation/updating! Just add “-automanagedmods” to your launch commandline and it will do so before the server launches (note for Maps this will not work unless you’re specifying the Workshop ID to load a Mod Map). On Linux Servers, you need to run this script (included with the ARK dedicated server files) once to install SteamCMD: \

      You can also specify a manual list of extra Steam Workshop Mods/Maps/TC ID’s to download/install/update in your Game.ini via (with the commandline as normal to actually use them in-game), example:

      * Fixed issue with Fish endlessly spawning on land near the Redwood Biome. Requires Server Update.
      Unversioned Hotfix: Significantly reduced client-side hitches/stalls during network Structure streaming.
      * Fixed unharvestable snow-transition trees, they’re now harvestable. Requires Server Update.
      * Holiday Event Items: Celebratory Colorizable Sparkler Skins (which can be applied onto Torches, which can now be mounted on wall-torches and standing Torches for infinite light colors!) — get ’em from Diseased Leeches — & Fireworks Launcher Skins — get ’em from Alpha Mosasaurs.
      * Fix for missing resources on snow areas of TheIsland (after Biome Update)
      * Fix for increasing memory when opening Inventory UI repeatedly
      * Approximate 10-15% Loading Speed Performance Improvement, and faster connection to servers
      * Lots of powerful Dev Kit functionality hooks
      * Lotta Alpha Mosasaurus’ in honor of Shark Week 2016 — hunt & kill them to get a special limited edition item 😉

      Requires Server Update:
      * Fixed a networking performance issue that would affect servers with <= 2 accessible cores, as well as improving Non-Dedicated Hosts.
      Requires Server Update:
      * Fixed various important network issues involving teleporting/fast-travel resulting in ‘invisible’ Structures on Clients.
      * Improved server performance by approximately 5% depending on number of connected players.
      * Fixed issue where Rafts could appear in the incorrect location on Clients.
      Requires Server Update:
      * Fixed various Ptero and Quetz and Chair exploits that allowed getting thru Structures.
      * Fixed issue where Tribe Alliances would not initially be loaded, causing pandemonium among Dinos and Turrets within cross-Alliance bases.
      Requires Server Update:
      * Fixed significant performance issue with dual-core CPU’s, affected Servers and Singleplayer mode. Thanks to Steam User / Server Host “ddvs1” for helping us track this down!!
      * Fixed Max XP limit on Dedicated Servers.
      Requires Server Update:
      * Fixed longstanding issue with Platform Saddle Structure Snapping (particularly with Pillars) being unreliable.
      * Fixed issue with creating side-snapped floating pillars.
      Requires Server Update:
      * Fixed erroneous demolition of snapped Pillars.

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Tezza.

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