Rust Change log 29/04/16

    • April 29, 2016 at 7:03 am #5191

      New eat/drink sounds
      New flamethrower sounds
      Fixed gradual ambience performance degradation bug
      Fixed coroutine leak in entity particle emission
      Optimized building block despawns some more
      Fixed another performance issue when looking at players
      Fixed tree culling performance issue caused by wind
      Optimized UI variable display code
      Adjusted grass LODing (less upscaling on lower LODs)
      Updated player preview idle
      Added wave displacement to water quality level 1
      Limited shadow distance to 50 when shadow cascades are disabled
      Icesheet prefabs use LOD grid
      Fixed horizon sky / water blending
      Improved aerial perspective density computation
      Added shadowmode convar to adjust sun shadow casting
      Sun shadows disable completely when shadow distance is set to 0
      Added additional procgen benchmarks
      Procgen benchmarks reset GC, LODs, grass, decor and tasks before every run
      Stripped legacy fog modes from shader compilation and scenes
      Fixed that the door animation was stopped one frame too early
      Fixed regression that sometimes skipped entity linking when building
      Fixed entities not sending slot updates when server side changes are made
      Made perf convar display async task queue when set to 6
      Server restart command calls quit command after the timer reaches 0
      Fixed missing ignite and extinguish icons on small furnace
      Slightly higher starting calories
      Fixed flames doing less damage to objects when sitting on stone/metal
      Map cost reduced to 1 paper
      Fixed water barrels not blocking building
      Fixed water bucket having drink as default option (impossible to deselect)
      Fixed being able to transfer water into an unheld bucket

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POWERED BY THE Awesomeness Of Soulleesi