Dayz Standalone Whitelisted App

    • February 3, 2016 at 3:13 pm #3742

      Hello My Im Joshua54432 My Ingame name is Preacher the
      reason why i would like to join. is because i wanna join my friends and family to make it more fun! and peaceful i also want to be the good example of a great whitelisted team member and team mate i choose to be friendly nice and all the good things the members like us should do. Thank you [PLEASE READ THIS] =)

    • February 4, 2016 at 8:18 am #3744
      NUG Soul

      Hey Hey hunni,

      We would love for you to join our Whitelisted RPG Server, in order to do this you will need to fill in the application which can be found in the game server section or by clicking this link here –

      Hope this helps

      Soul 🙂

      "Today is the day... Today its going to happen... I don't know when, where or why... But I know its Today!"

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