Ark Updates and News 239 – 242.9

    • June 20, 2016 at 7:48 pm #5437

      Current Version: v242.9
      * Increased server performance another 8%
      * Fixed a Grappling Hook crash
      * Concluded the ARK Anniversary Event
      * Fixed a potential Mod item crash
      Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed a replication threading issue that could have caused invisible players. Ended ARK Anniversary Event for reals. Requires Server Update.
      Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed an issue that would cause players to become unceremoniously kicked off their mounted turrets at certain angles. Requires Server Update.
      Unversioned Hotfix: Disabled anisotropic filtering on clients by default on non-terrain textures. Added a Checkbox Option to re-enable it.
      Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed Mountable Turrets that were glitching out/dropping players. Also optimized the turret/seat system for better server performance. Requires Server Update.
      * Multi-Threaded networking system for substantial (~15%) sever performance improvement. More perf gains to come soon too!
      * Fixed exploit where Chairs could be used to clip into people’s bases.
      * Added client “-NoBiomeWalls” commandline parameter which eliminates the upcoming-Biome-change area wall effects
      * Made TheCenter properly use Overriden GameModes (Difficulty Mods, Prim+ Total Conversion, etc).
      * Fixed a performance issue that was occurring with PvP Offline Raid Protected Servers. Thank you so much to Steam User “Shadowsong” for helping us identify and solve it!
      * Fixed a bug where PvP Offline Raid Protected Servers could lack AI for newly-spawned Dinos.
      * Made Swamp Fever particle effect not visible from player’s own perspective.
      These require server-side update:
      * Fixed some Raft exploits (C4-Poker and Breach-Rafts)
      * Reduced the scaling by 50% of Dino Adult Food Consumption rate when unstasising. This is to help compensate for the bug fix in v242.0 which now correctly utilizes the Adult Food Consumption Rate when unstasising a Dinosaur (hence the higher rate of consumption on Giganotosaurus, which were one of the few Dinosaurs to use that multiplier).
      * Allowed Vaults to be built on Rafts, specifically.
      * Fixed Raft naming & some other potential Raft networking issues.
      * Made Fortitude slightly more effective for avoiding Disease (90 Fortitude == 80% reduction in Disease chance, rather than 110 Fortitude)
      Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed a crash that was affecting some Mods/TC’s on/near startup.
      Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed Dino Baby cuddle times erroneously resetting after reloading savegame.
      * Improved Argi/Quetz/Ptero/Dimorph eating animations
      * Balled Doed’s now only get their damage on autoturret projectiles reduced by 50%, not 100%. Requires server update.
      * Can no longer drop picked-up Dinos through structure walls. Requires server update.
      * Can no longer Detonate creature-attached C4 through structure walls. Requires server update.
      * Diplodocus “friendlyness” no longer plays battle music. Requires server update.
      * Further improved server & clients CPU performance by approximately 5%
      * Fixed issue where turrets wouldn’t target someone who had C4’s stuck all over their body. Now, Boom. Requires server update.
      * Fixed issue where you could re-imprint on Baby Dinos.
      Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed issue with Leech Blood not being storable in Icebox/Preserving Bins. Requires Server Update.
      * Performance improvements to server yielding 20-25% perf increase. Also improves Client CPU utilization.
      * Changed Rhino Horn requirement to Narcotic on Lesser Antidote. Made Lesser Antidote Disease Immunity last 3 minutes.
      * Leech Blood now spoils after 3 hours (Stackable in Quantities of 50), can be stored in Fridge. Made leech blood more common to harvest.
      * Made Swamp Fever increase movement speed by 20% and decrease rate of food, water, and oxygen consumption by 50%.
      * Made Swamp Fever not able to be transmitted through collisions/walls.
      * Among current non-human creatures, now only Tamed Dodos can be infected with Swamp Fever. (as intended). Any existing infected dinos are cleared on sever launch.
      * Bug Repellent now repels Leeches and bug repellent now works when applied to your Tamed Dinos
      * Attached Leech no longer drains Stamina.
      * Reduced rate by about 70% of Diseased Leeches in Swamps, as intended.
      * Water/Amphibious creatures are no longer targeted by Leeches. (swamp native 😉
      * Dinos will not play the eat animation so often when autonomously eating
      * Fixed another value that was increasing rate of Quetz food consumption, is now fully back to original values.
      * New Server Options
      This will make Diseases not permanent (you will then lose them if you respawn).
      This will completely disable Diseases on the server. (thus far just ‘Swamp Fever’).
      * Fixed appearance of “blue fog” on the Cave-water material.
      Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed missing Mac binaries that was causing Mac to crash.
      * Fixed an issue where some mods were causing certain creatures to have 0 Food or not gain any Food from eating. Requires server update.
      * Fixed Supply Crates being destroyed when there was one remaining removable item left
      * Fixed too-high Quetz Food consumption rate
      * Fixed Plant Species X turrets firing when previously built on prevented Dino Platforms. (they’re not supposed to unless overriden)
      Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed incorrect TheCenter dedicated server content. If you are hosting a dedicated server of TheCenter and people are having trouble connecting, please make sure you have this update. Thank you!
      * ‘ARK’s Awesome Anniversary’ 1-week Event: Get Ready to Make some Birthday Wishes for Limited Run Items!
      * New Creature: Diplodocus!
      * New Creature: Leech!
      * New Structure: Training Dummy. You can attack this dummy without fear of destroying it, and it will display floating Damage Per Second values so you can see how strong your Dino Army really is.
      * New Mechanic: Permanent Diseases & Cures (Player-Contagious Swamp Fever!!!!)
      * Tribe Groups Phase 2: Support for Limited Non-Admin Invites & Promotions/Demotions per Group! Also “Prevent Dino Unclaiming” checkbox, and other new per-Rank options.
      * Dragon Arena
      * Added option for PvE Servers to disable building around critical resource node regions
      * Added server option to override per-Item Crafting costs
      * Added server option to override the loot tables for each kind of supply crate
      * Added server option to limit number of members in Tribes. Default: no limit.
      * Added ‘Follow Range’ ( Low/Medium/Far) Setting Per Tamed Dino
      * Multi-Seat Saddles (Galli, Diplodocus, etc) Dinos now have an option to Enable Public Seating. Dino Taxi service, ahoy!!!
      * Servers can now optionally enable an “offline raiding prevention” mode which will make Dinos/Structures invincible if no owner is logged-in (indicated via the head whether the owner player/tribe is logged-in or not). Recommend that server owners utilize this with care, as it may have undesired side effects in a competitive environment. (e.g.: ?PreventOfflinePvP=true?PreventOfflinePvPInterval=60.0?PvPDinoDecay=true?PvPStructureDecay=true)
      * Added Alpha Mosasaurus (contains lots of Black Pearls)
      * Alpha creatures XP reduced by 45%
      * Auto-Turrets can no longer be built on Quetz/Sauro/Mosa/Plesi/Paracer platforms (Plant turrets can’t be grown on them). Any existing turrets on such platforms will no longer fire. This is a server option of “?OverrideStructurePlatformPrevention=true”. Otherwise they’re now only allowed on Rafts and non-moving Bases.
      * Plant Turrets now consume Fertilizer per shot, and also will not shoot if no water is in the crop plot.
      * Approximate +100% increase to Saurupod and Paraceratherium respective Weight stats.
      * Breeding Mechanics Phase 2: Interactive Baby Raising
      * Optional RPG Stat Mode: Displays Floating In-World Damage Numbers for all Player-Related Damage Events.
      * Fixed issue where Quetz platform could create floating structures

      New server commands for v242 are here:

      * Unversioned Addition: Biome Border Markers have been added. If you have a base within the red side of a border, best move out over the coming days. Structures within the red side of the borders may be destroyed by the upcoming Biome Changes!
      * Unversioned Addition: Optionally launch dedicated servers with -EnableIdlePlayerKick to cause characters that have not moved or interacted within the KickIdlePlayersPeriod, 3600 seconds by default to be kicked.
      * Added -insecure commandline parameter usage to disable server VAC
      * Fixed Dino PvE Auto-Claim time multiplier to use a separate commandline value (?PvEDinoDecayPeriodMultiplier=1.0) rather than the Structure Auto-Claim time multiplier.
      * Fixed ocean spawners continually overflow spawning on TheCenter
      * Fixed case where you could improperly use Vault drops
      * All Official PvE servers now have 0.25 structure decay time and 0.5 structure resource blocking radius multiplier
      * Fixed various TheCenter structure placement, teleport, collision issues, dino difficulty curve, and dino spawns
      * TheCenter clients now work properly on Mac
      * Fixed general case where you could place structures within world geometry
      * Generated shadow distance field data for the rest of TheCenter world geometry meshes (sorry for the large one-time update!!)
      * Saved some RAM on non-ShaderModel5 platforms by discarding unneeded distance field data
      * Reduced Wild Compy HP and Damage by 50%
      SERVER ADMIN NOTE: v241.1 fixes an issue with v241.0 that caused Flyers to temporarily lose their Saddles and all Dinos to fall through Structures upon reloading. We strongly recommend all server admins upgrade to v241.1 as soon as possible, and consider a one-time rollback of their save data if their players were affected by use of 241.0. Accordingly for this reason, at 5:30pm Eastern on May 17, we rolled-back all the ARK Official Servers by approximately 2 hours.
      * Fixed critical issue with Flyer Saddles Disappearing and Dinos Falling thru Structures/Bases on game load.
      * Added The Center Official ARK Mod/Map as Free DLC
      * Added new 100-player ‘The Center’ Official Servers
      * Improved Non-TrueSky Sky & Lighting (+ SM4/Mac/Linux)
      * Significant server PhysX & Networking optimization
      * You can now pickup and toss Dodos & Dung Beetles. Rejoice!
      * Fixed the huge stall/lock when you “Transfer” a bunch of items at once
      * Arthropluera “Turret” AI mode option: won’t move and will only used ranged attack against targets.
      * Warmap now dynamically shows the mini-map texture of whatever level you’re playing on (even with Mod maps 🙂
      * Anonymous Dedicated Server package is now only 4GB! (down from like 30 GB)

      Requires Server Update:
      * Fixed the Teleport max Drag Weight to allow Rexes, for real.
      * Fixed an issue where unconscious wild passive tames were unable to take damage on PvE.
      * Fixed an issue where “meat” would not cook on certain Mods.
      Requires Server Update:
      * Added a 10 second grace period after being released from a Bola in which you can not be Bola’ed again. (with visual feedback of a broken bola hit)
      * Giganotosaurus attack knocks down trees now
      * Rexes (and anything up to 550 Drag Weight) can now be brought into Boss Arenas
      Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed Shader Crash that was occuring with some mods.
      * Fixed performance issue with Arthropluera physics. Recommend server update for better performance!
      * Reduced another 50MB of unused Render Target memory
      * Reduced about 150MB more of shader memory, also improving loading speed
      Requires Server Update:
      * Fixed long-term server timing issue (previously, servers at greater than 2 weeks uptime would start getting whacky)
      * Fixed Fish Meat taming Dinos at 2x speed, now is about the same rate as regular meat (even though it provides half as much food)
      * Fished issue with Gorilla Teleporters potentially getting overlapped
      * Made Boss Arenas reset immediately if there are no remaining live players within them
      * Reduced megapithecus shake
      * Fixed Arthropluera offset when riding on elevators
      * Fixed crash with unsupported “simple dynamic lighting” render pipeline (that pipeline is fully disabled now, it didn’t appear to gain any performance)
      Fixes require Server Update:
      * Fish should no longer get knocked back so much when dying
      * You can no longer pet dead/unconscious/baby lystros
      * Arthropluera can be ridden when swimming, has reduced damage knockback

      Fixes require Server Update!
      * Fixed Bola damaging you on Spike Walls
      * Fixed Bola FPV mesh
      * Fixed fish meats not cooking in pre-240 campfires and grills
      * Fixed harvesting Salmon with Sickle (yields high quantity of Prime Meat)
      * Fixed Arthropluera not being able to fit thru Caves/Gates (reduced collision size)

      * New Creature: Lystrosaurus!
      * New Creature: Arthropluera!
      * New Creature: Sabertooth Salmon, with Fish Meat!
      * New Weapon: Primitive Bolas!
      * Megapithecus Arena
      * Added Option to Disable Melee Camera Swings (including ‘Harvesting Head Wobble’)
      * Tribe Member Rankings with Customizable Per-Rank Privileges

      This will come in an optional public beta update later this week!:
      – Epic 4K Texture Deployment (all textures at source resolution)! Better texture pool utilization at all Texture setting levels

      * Fixed time-outs while loading/downloading large (or large quantities) of mods when connecting to servers. Seemingly for good this time. Thanks for the great help to Steam Player MasterDavid of the Tribe Darconic!!
      Requires Server Update!
      * Fixed issue with loaded Chem Tables crafting costs being too cheap
      * Fixed Quetz Armor Building Exploit
      * Reduced Cannon Ball Damage by 15% generally, and 25% with respect to Metal Structures, and 40% with respect to Metal Turrets. Added a small amount of Obsidian as a crafting requirement for cannon balls.
      * Fixed Dire Bear Auto-Eating Narcoberries
      * Fixed issue that was causing weapons with custom ammo to lose their Ammo when moved into a Dino Inventory. Requires Server Update!
      * Fixed ‘active’ sound effect on Chemistry Table
      * Removed Cannon & Cannon Ball Engram from Primitive Servers. Isn’t really appropriate for gunpowderless worlds.

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POWERED BY THE Awesomeness Of Soulleesi