Ark Updates and News 236 – 236.3

    • March 3, 2016 at 8:17 am #4656

      Current Version: v236.3
      * Made the Localized language correspond to the Language Setting for ARK in your Steam Client, with the following supported languages (Thank you so much, volunteer ARK translators, you’re the best!!!!).

      Note: if you want to use a non-English language now, you must set it in the “Languages” tab of the Game Properties within your Steam Client, as the game does NOT automatically select your Steam Client language if it is already installed. You will only have to do this manually once, and it is automatically chosen for new ARK installations.

      English: en
      German: de
      French: fr
      Italian: it
      Spanish: es
      Simplified Chinese: zh
      Traditional Chinese: zh-TW
      Russian: ru
      Thai (NEW!): th
      Japanese (WIP): ja
      Polish (NEW!): pl
      Danish (NEW!): da
      Dutch (NEW!): nl
      Swedish (NEW!): sv
      Hungarian (NEW!): hu
      Czech (NEW!): cs
      Turkish (NEW!): tr
      Brazilian Portugese: pt_BR

      You can also directly override the language by using the following startup commandline (for dedicated servers, etc, where ‘en’ is one of the language codes listed above):

      * Updated the ShooterGame.manifest with the latest exported strings for the new game content (Beaver stuff, etc)

      * Improved rendering performance by about 5%, and reduced stream hitching
      * Added further support for fast International server pipeline
      * Improved the server BattlEye implementation to support auto-updating the BattlEye libraries.

      * Fixed a server crash.
      Unversioned Hotfix: Updated Localization Tool to properly handle newlines and end-spaces. Fixed for reals now!
      * Fixed issue with certain Total Conversions crashing.
      * New Dino: Giant Beaver, Castoroides
      * New Equipment: Handcuffs
      * Server Performance Phase 2
      * Improved Client streaming performance, less hitches
      * Updated various translations!

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