DayZ RPG Civ Clan App

In order to submit an application for a Clan/Squad on the RPG Whitelisted DayZ Server, YOU MUST BE APPROVED for the RPG Whitelisted DayZ Server FIRST! Make sure you answer all the questions appropriately!

As soon as your application is placed the Staff will be notified, there is no need to contact us directly regarding your application; we will get to it, and process it as soon as possible. If there is an issue with your application you will be contacted by one of our NUG Staff.

Once your Application has been processed, you will be asked to join us on TeamSpeak for an Application interview! If your Clan/Squad is approved you will be given 24 hours to put a full clan/squad write up in the Civ Section of the Fourm, you will be given your own private Clan/Squad TeamSpeak Channel in the Cic Section 🙂

DayZ RPG Civ Clan App

Step 1 of 3

  • Please give their names and their role in the clan (eg. leader) if decided.
  • eg. Taxi Drivers, Farmers, Traiders, Fisherman....
  • (Give us the location/building name with the map coordinates from DayZDB, please keep in mind that it can only be one building/small forest/field area! NOT an town or full map location!)

All artwork and content is ©Copyright 2014-2023 NUGaming / ©Copyright 2014-2023 Nicole Gouge.

All Rights Reserved. This site is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

We do not take submissions of ANY kind.

POWERED BY THE Awesomeness Of Soulleesi