October 3, 2015 at 12:22 pm #1310
Participant*Forum Post Moved From old NUG Forum*
Attention Nomad United members It is my proud duty to announce the first Gold Nugget CS:GO tournament in honour of our reaching of 100 registered players.
Of current time we are planning to play a variety of game modes and maps or as voted by competing teams
Prizes consist of 20 boxes with their respective keys for the winning team. (5 members per team = 4 keys + boxes per winning team member) and a prestiegous Gold Nugget TS Tag
The event is set to start on the 7/03/2015 at about 5:00pm AEST but teams need to be on TS ( by 4:30om AEST to organise channels. (Saturday 7th March 2015)
Sign up closes on the 6/03/2015 at 4pm AEST, we will be accepting NO more team registrations after this point as we will be building the ladder (Friday 6th March 2015)
During the event 2 admins not participating in the round will be spectating both teams to ensure fair play. Please read the NUG – Code of conduct (Banter is okay, deliberate trolling is not). http://www.nugaming.net/forum/m/28420434/viewthread/19843388-nug-code-conduct/post/last#last
To add a team please reply with the following format below. If you wish to discuss or give feedback anything about this please message myself or Soul on the website, TeamSpeak or make a seperate topic, this topic is for registration only. Note that all participating members MUST sign up to the website and MUST be in the NUG TS on the day of the tournament
ALL team members MUST be NUG Members to be able to participate in the comp. All non members will be disqualified!
To Register your team, please copy and paste this template below:
Team Name:
Team Members:
Stream (Y/N – If yes include link):
We would like to Challenge: (enter team name or “any team” if you don’t want to challenge any team particularly)
(Removed time and date from the template as the event is taking place on the 7/3/15 from 5pm Aus QLD time.)
October 3, 2015 at 12:24 pm #1315
ParticipantGame: CS:GO
Team Name: DeepandMeaningfull (DnM)
Team Members: Prince Vegeta, Zombie, Pulse, Dillyduck, Arex. Subs: DylanB, LittleSmoke
Stream (Y/N – If yes include link): Twitch.tv/unlxck (Maybe)
We would like to Challenge: Anyone! Have Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
October 3, 2015 at 12:25 pm #1319
ParticipantGame: CS:GO
Team Name: DeepandMeaningfull (DnM)
Team Members: Prince Vegeta, Zombie, Pulse, Dillyduck, Arex. Subs: DylanB, LittleSmoke
Stream (Y/N – If yes include link): Twitch.tv/unlxck (Maybe)
We would like to Challenge: Anyone! Have Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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