Hoarder at heart

    • October 3, 2015 at 6:44 pm #1688

      *Forum Post Moved From old NUG Forum*

      Hi everyone,

      I’m an old fart that has been gaming since the beginning of time or at least pong on the green screen.
      Currently enjoying DayZ Mod and standalone and looking for some like minded people to create some online shenanigans!
      I have logged many hours with the gaming name sob_spook (Mostly BF2) and have played on your Standalone server as ChairmanMeow.
      My gaming style is friendly or Hero I think killing other players is the easy way to play, helping others out and trusting is more rewarding and has more challenges.
      You might hear a cat or two in the background if i’m on TS, I have 6 and 2 rottweilers.
      Anyway I never have been good at introducing myself so I will keep it short and hope to see you online.


    • October 3, 2015 at 6:44 pm #1689
      Hey Hey and welcome to NUG :sick: I look forward to getting in game with you and getting to know you a little more :sick:

      Thank you for introducing yourself!
      Soul x



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