Harlow All

    • October 3, 2015 at 6:45 pm #1690

      *Forum Post Moved From old NUG Forum*

      Hello Nomad United Gaming!

      So one lovely evening I was in search of a DayZ server and happen to come across NUGaming and thought Id jump onto the TS and before I know it I was greeted by a lovely girl named Soul, after a bit a few other members came and greeted me, I was greeted with such friendly, funny members and pretty much fell in love with the idea of this community so one thing led to another and now I’m a member here!

      So, my name is Pandoraa but you will see me on TS as Claire and in game as Juliet or Lara Thompson depending on what persona I’m going with.

      A little background on me
      I adore Role play or strategy games so you will happen to find me playing these type of games.
      I generally play with people in Europe (ping is amazing btw) so I’m actually excited to join a community with fellow Aussies.
      I have over 2000 hours on Gmod, DarkRP is generally what I play however I enjoy other game modes ^_^
      I enjoy CSGO but I’m pretty sure I’m terrible at it.
      I find minecraft to be an addiction.

      I will try to be on the TS more often and look forward to meeting some more amazing people :sick:


    • October 3, 2015 at 6:46 pm #1691
      Hey Hey Hunni,

      Glad to see we didn’t scare you off :sick: You should check out Reign of Kings btw, I have a feeling it might be up your ally :sick: oh and check out our latest logo comp also, you will find it in the events section of the forum.

      Chat soon
      soul xx



    • October 3, 2015 at 6:46 pm #1692
      Hey glad to have you in the community, it’s always nice seeing a friendly new face and I hope to see you around the TS more often!

      Enjoy yourself


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POWERED BY THE Awesomeness Of Soulleesi