Ark Updates and News 247.91 – 247.99

    • October 12, 2016 at 3:55 pm #5741

      Current Version: Current Version: v247.99
      * Improvement to Server PhysX performance!
      * Further performance improvement to server-side timer logic.
      * Fixed serious performance issue with dedicated servers. Highly Recommend that all server hosts upgrade as soon as possible!
      * Significant server-side performance improvements of approximately 10% on average. Requires Server Update.
      * Servers can now override their difficulty above 4.0, using “?OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.0” or whatever number they want. Be careful not to go too high!
      * Made Dinos’ current Following Target save.
      * Fixed a case where Tamed Dinos could be erroneously destroyed on load/unstasis.
      * Changed enemy-structure destruction log (for the victim tribe) to not display in Tribe Logs by default (instead, a generic structure destruction message is given). Use server setting “?TribeLogDestroyedEnemyStructures=true” to make it indicate the attacker tribe.
      * Fixed issue where Water Pipes & Electric Cables would not update their state correctly. Requires Server Update. Highly recomend that all servers upgrade for this fix!

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