August 17, 2016 at 9:56 am #5656
ParticipantCurrent Version: v245.988
* Fixed issue where “FastDecayUnsnappedCoreStructures” was affecting Tree Platforms.
* Updated Primitive+, fixing numerous issues! May require Server update to retain compatibility with clients! Requires Server Update.
* Changed Pillars back to the low-prevention radius they previously had.
* New server option: “?FastDecayUnsnappedCoreStructures=true”, which will decay unsnapped foundations/pillars at 5x speed.
* Note: All official PvE servers now have “-AutoDestroyStructures”, to automatically demolish old structures, and “?FastDecayUnsnappedCoreStructures=true”. Official PvP servers only do this on Pillars, using “?OnlyDecayUnsnappedCoreStructures=true”.
Current Version: v245.986
* Fixed cases where you could get stuck in world geometry after being pushed by Dinos. Requires Server Update.
* Fixed another case of Dinos falling thru Floors. Requires Server Update.
* Pillars now extend resource/respawn prevention radius as far out as foundations. Requires Server Update.
* New server option: ?OnlyDecayUnsnappedCoreStructures=true
If set, only unsnapped core structures will decay. Useful for eliminating lone pillar/foundation spam on PvP Servers.
* On August 22nd, we will be enabling Auto Destruction of any decayed (demolishable) PvE structures on all Official Servers. They will at that time be auto-destroyed if they are publicly demolishable. Also, at that time, all old lone (unsnapped) pillars & foundations will be cleared from Official PvP servers
* Fixed networking issue associated with ‘flickering’ / ‘detached’ Mounted Dinos. Requires Server Update.
* Fixed getting stuck on rocks/geometry when pushed by Dinos. Improvements to Dinos & Bodies falling thru Floors. Requires Server Update.
* Fixed character Ragdolls falling through the ground when dying. Requires Server Update.
* Fixed Sky rendering in VR mode
* Fishing Rod can only be crafted 3 times from a Blueprint and can not be repaired, but Fishing Rod loot quality scale increased by 20%! Fishing is also less likely to yield rare resources. Requires server update.
* Fixed bug with Scuba Tank durability decreasing too quickly on long-running servers. Requires server update.
* New Dev Kit Hooks: Mods can now Remove engrams from the game, as well as append additional Dinosaur spawns without having to completely override the Dinosaur spawn entries. Requires server update.
* TheCenter: Disabled jumping-puzzle reward loot for the time being.
* NVIDIA ANSEL support — waiting on ARK being added to NVIDIA driver whitelist. You’ll then be able to press Alt-F2 during singleplayer gameplay, and generate cool specialized screenshots with a roving camera, even super-rez and stereoscopic 3D / VR-ready. For Ansel, recommend 100% resolution scalar and no motion blur (those settings will tend to mess it up). WSAD to move the camera around in Ansel mode, click-drag to turn the camera.
Unversioned Hotfix: Re-added SteamCMD.exe for dedicated server mod management using “-automanagedmods” commandline
* Reintegrated core VR support for retail Oculus unit! Details here:
* Added “Wild Only” targeting setting for turrets. Requires Server Update.
* Fixed a crash that would occur with the Industrial Grinder. Requires Server Update.
* Added optional launch command for severs to disable non-meat Fish Loot: -nofishloot Requires server update.
* Clamped Fishing Rod Effectiveness to 500%. Requires server update.
* Industrial Grinder now yields up to 100 items of a type per grind (rather than 50). Requires server update.
* Fixed client-side memory stomp crash (W+F bug)
* Fixed Allosaurus spawning too close to bases. Requires server update.
* Fixed harvesting issue (inability to harvest). Requires server update.
* Fixed various issues reported on TheCenter, and further optimized. Requires Server Update.
* Rebalanced Fishing Rod loot table & scaling. Requires Server Update.
* Made Carnivores not insta-harvest creatures that they kill, except for the Pelagornis and Beezlebufo as appropriate. Requires Server Update.
* Fixed an issue with inability to harvest repeatedly when holding the attack button on a melee weapon. Requires server update.
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