Ark Updates and News 223.1 – 224.1

    • November 21, 2015 at 11:39 pm #3112

      Current Version: v224.1
      Unversioned Hotfixes: Fixed Compy attack damage in singleplayer. Fixed formatting of some Server Logs (killed messages etc). Fixed Tribe Log Promotions/Demotions (requires server update.)
      * Fixed issue with Doedicurus always being defensively curled up. (Requires Server update)
      * New Creature: Compsognathus! Time to form your own Compy gang 🙂
      * New Structures: Rocket Turret, Sea Mine, Wall Lamps!
      * New ‘Weapon’: Magnifying Glass!
      * Tribe Admin Logs (which can also act as effective “offline event” logs even for solo players!!!!). Server can set “MaxTribeLogs” in Server Game Mode INI, which determines how many Tribe log entries are kept per Tribe (default 100, set it to 0 to disable the system).
      * Custom RP-oriented Recipe/Cooking System (including Skill-Based results) — finally, you can now create your own unique recipes for S### Burgers)! Servers can optionally disable this feature in their GameMode INI via “bAllowCustomRecipes=false”
      * +3 Max Survivor Level, +3 Max Dino Level
      * Raised Official Server Max Structure & Max Tamed Dino Limits by 20%
      * Owned or Claimable Rafts can now be “Demolished”, and destroyed Rafts now sink to the ocean floor
      * Server Admin Logs (including RCON support) , launch with “-servergamelog” and use RCON command “getgamelog” to print 100 entries at a time also outputs to dated file in in “\Logs”, adjust max length of RCON buffer with commandline:
      * bPassiveDefensesDamageRiderlessDinos Server GameMode INI option to allow spike walls to damage wild/riderless Dinos
      * Fixed underwater ice cave that was deleting Dinos
      * Fixed Dino walking-backwards movement animations
      * Improved and optimized IK on most Dinos
      * Improved Dino navigation logic to better dynamically navigate around other Dinos
      * Fixed several rare client crashes

      Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed another way the server could crash on data load if mod items were removed.
      * Protected against a crash involving improperly setup zone spawns affecting some Mod maps such as ‘Shigo Islands’
      * Fixed a crash that could occur when initializing inventories if previously active item Mods have been disabled/removed
      Unversioned Client Hotfixes: Fixed particle fx not appearing on junction boxes after reloading save games in singleplayer. Fixed issue with spawn points not aligning to minimap on custom levels that had altered minimscap scales.
      * Organic Polymer now spoils after 30 minutes, can only be stacked to 10, and clamped “overdamage” on the harvesting of Organic Polymer. It now also kills humans if they eat it, a primitive form of cyanide pill (don’t worry, an actual concealed pill item will be forthcoming 😉
      * Fixed Bear Traps not immobilizing characters
      * Fixed PvE Item Containers not locking after server reload (this fix is retroactive)
      * Fixed too-high rate of knocked-out torpor recovery on Angler
      * Fixed possibility of Alpha Creature “glows” not appearing
      * Optimized Server logic related to PvE Tribe Wars
      * Reduced Organic Polymer yield from Kairu Clubbing by 40%
      * Increased Minigun Turret Damage by 90%

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